All items must be labeled with seller's initials with item number, species name, quantity in bag and any other pertinent information (equipment must state whether it does or does not work).
Fine tip Sharpie is preferred to prevent bleed
Although we try to track down sellers. Items sold without labels or illegible labels will be considered donations to the club.
"Pair" means one of each sex. "Proven Pair" means the pair has spawned with one another. "Trio" means one male and two females.
Bids must be made in $1 increments.
Proper fish bags are encouraged.
No visibly diseased fish will be sold.
No dead fish will be sold.
Should your bag contain dead fish, you will be asked to re-bag the fish.
There is a limit of 5 bags/items of any one color, type or variety per seller.
There is a 50 bag/item limit total per seller.
Sellers are responsible for taking auction items to the check-in tables.
No minimum bids (reserves) will be accepted.
All items to be sold must relate to the aquarium hobby.
The auction committee reserves the right to reject any items not fit for sale.
Any items that do not sell become the property of BFKA. Once an item is registered it cannot be removed from the auction without the auction committee's approval.
Sellers may elect to buy back unsold item(s) for $1 each.
Neither BFKA or the property hosting the meeting (nor any of their representatives) will be held responsible for any items entered into this auction, nor for any personal injury incurred during the event.
Sellers will not be permitted to credit purchases against sales.
The auctioneer has final say on any items sold for auction.
The selling price will be split 75/25 with the seller receiving 75% of the sale.
Species banned for sale at BFKA events are due to regulation by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife .
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